Ekkert nýtt undir sólinni

Sitt sýnist hverjum um nýjan leiðtoga Breta.

Það verður lítill munur.

Á meðan í USA.

Sósíalisminn virkar eins og venjulega.

Viktor Orban hefur allskonar aðrar hugmyndir

"I have concluded my talks in #Moscow with President Putin. My goal was to open the channels of direct communication and start a dialogue on the shortest road to #peace. Mission accomplished!"

Ég ætla að halda með Orban.

Uhm... nei.

USA er enn hápúntur siðmenningarinnar

"Cleveland.com reported on the vending machines, noting they are currently in six locations and “[use] artificial intelligence technology to verify a buyer’s identification and age through card scanning and facial recognition software.”"

Betur má ef duga skal, en þetta er vissulega byrjun.

Á meðan er hinn úrkynjaði Íslensdigur hræddur við ryksugur.  Aldrei sérðu afríkunegra með prik óttast ryksugu.

Besti fuglinn

Biden sýnir það enn og aftur að hann er íslenskasti stjórnmálamaður sem USA hefur nokkurntíma haft

"Biden attempted to deflect, saying he was working with Israel and had "shut Putin down."

Biden said he wouldn't be running if he didn't think he could handle it and claimed he wanted to take the nation "to a new level."

Biden complained that Trump wants to "undo every single thing I've done." Biden reversed dozens of Trump's executive orders on day 1. Stephanopoulos said that Biden' supporters appreciate him but are hoping he step aside. Biden dismissed these reports."

Kaninn fílar ekki íslensku verðbólguna.

Menn eru ekki með það á hreinu hvað orð þýða.

Peningavaldið er farið að vilja Biden burt

"A group of 168 Democratic Party supporters, including major donors and academics, sent a letter to US President Joe Biden on Friday, urging him to drop his bid for reelection, the Washington Post has reported, citing anonymous sources."

Af hverju ekki fyrr?


1: Abe Lincoln, fyrir ansi löngu.

2: gerðist í WW2.

3; Aftur, WW2

4: Hefur gertst ansi oft.

5: Þeir eru enn að röfla útaf Obama vegna einmitt þess.

Menn fara yfir allskyns komandi vitleysu.

Bloggfærslur 6. júlí 2024


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