Maður bítur snák og fljúgandi flóðhestar

Maður bítur snák

"According to local reports, Santosh Lohar, a worker employed on a railroad project in Rajouli, was sleeping at his base camp earlier this week when the incident occurred. A snake, presumed to be venomous, decided to snack on the sleeping man, entering the tent and biting him.

Santosh woke up and attacked the reptile, slamming it with an iron rod and biting it back several times. The snake was fatally injured and died on the spot."

Það var og.

Bretar eru fucked.

Kommúnistar mótmæla eigin sigri

"Black bloc Antifa-style radicals were filmed setting fire to street furniture and bicycles, as well as shooting fireworks and other projectiles at police as they ran ruff shot through the French capital. Demonstrators were seen waving Palestinian and Antifa flags."

Aldrei ánægðir.

All the things.

Frakkar og USA tapa ítökum í Afríku

"In a milestone symbolizing the loss by the Western colonial powers of political and military influence in the African Sahel region, the military leaders of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger signed a new confederation treaty that they celebrate as a step “towards greater integration” between the countries.

Westerners consider that we belong to them and our wealth also belongs to them. They think that they are the ones who must continue to tell us what is good for our states’, he said. ‘This era is gone forever. Our resources will remain for us and our population’s’."

Glóbalistarnir klúðruðu þessu.

Ríkið flytur inn nauðgara handa okkur

"Í svari Guðrúnar Hafsteinsdóttur til Ingibjargar Isaksen, þingmanns Framsóknarfólksins, um fjölda kynferðisbrota þar sem hún óskaði þjóðerni og kyni meintra þolenda og gerenda.

Fjöldi erlendra karlmanna sem voru meintir gerendur í slíkum málum fór úr 52 árið 2020 í 86 árið 2021 og í 100 árið 2022."

Umsækjendur um alþjóðlega vernd 2022, PDF

Sama, frá útlendingastofnun, fyrr 2023

"Umsóknir frá ríkisborgurum annarra ríkja voru innan við þúsund talsins, flestar frá ríkisborgurum Palestínu (221), Nígeríu (116), Sómalíu (77) og Sýrlands (65)."

Fljúgandi flóðhestar

"Hippos, which weigh around 1.5 metric tons, are capable of getting airborne – but only for a very short period of time, scientists at the London-based Royal Veterinary College (RVC) have discovered."

Menn bara dunduðu sér við að skoða þetta.

Mmmhmm... It's a feature, not a bug.

Þetta er skoðun.

Bloggfærslur 8. júlí 2024


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