Ólympískt skolp-bað

Biden lifir enn

"President Joe Biden confirms he was pushed out of the race by top Democrats who apparently staged a coup on him. “But what happened was a number of my Democratic colleagues in the house and Senate thought that I was gonna hurt them in the races.” The statement coincides with what journalist Seymour Hersh suggested when he reported that Barack Obama threatened Biden with the 25th Amendment, saying he had "Kamala's approval" to force him out of the race."

Þá höfum við það.

Í Malí.

Ekkert grunsamlegt að gerast hér

"Our boy Woke Preacher Clips did the painstaking work to put together a montage that's nearly 7 minutes long, featuring more than 50 pastors, all saying the exact same thing about Kamala Harris a couple of weeks ago."

Ekki bara íslenskir fjölmiðlar og CNN...


Vitleysingar veikjast eftir sundsprett í skolpi

"Three German swimmers became ill after competing in the open water races at the Paris Olympics, though it was not immediately clear if the long-polluted Seine River was responsible for their sickness."

Rússar monta sig af nýjasta hólkinum sínum

"The weapon system is already entering service with the Russian military, the company’s chief gun designer, Sergey Urzhumtsev, told TASS. The machine gun has even made it to the front lines of the Ukraine conflict in “test regime,” according to Urzhumtsev, who said it was already getting favorable reviews from the military."


Maður prílar í FL turninum

"Footage emerged on social media on Sunday afternoon of an apparently shirtless man wearing black shorts scaling the north-facing side of the 19th-Century tower, just next to its Olympic Rings display."

Viðbrögðin voru yfirdrifin.

Enginn býst við spænska rannsóknarréttinum

"The Spanish Inquisition is considered to be one of the most shameful and grotesque periods in Roman Catholic history. According to some modern estimates, around 150,000 people were prosecuted for various offences during the three-century duration of the reign of terror, of whom between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed after enduring some of the most spine chilling acts of torture imaginable."

Þetta er eins góður tími og hugsast getur til að rifja það upp.

Bloggfærslur 11. ágúst 2024


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