Kántrí. Og fleira.

Whiskey talking

"Rapper Kanye West has admitted that he was drunk when he posted a tweet announcing that he would go “death con 3” on Jewish people, claiming that “demons” took over his mind after he drank Hennessy cognac."

Viskí, koníak, whatever.

Júðinn á aldrei séns

"Early Saturday morning, a young Jewish man was stabbed near the Chabad Headquarters in Crown Heights.

According to witnesses, the assailant screamed “Free Palestine” and other antisemitic slurs before stabbing the victim."

Alltaf öðru hvoru er haldið pógróm.  Verður svoleiðis?  Kannski.

Musk vs frægur skoskur nazisti

"“Make my day,” was X owner Elon Musk’s response to reports that Humza Yousaf, the architect of Scotland’s new draconian hate speech law, was considering a lawsuit against the South African-born American citizen tech billionaire."

Musk heldur uppi fjö0rinu.  Ég kann að meta það.

Þessi gella er besta auglýsingin fyrir fóstureyðingar

"Like I'm a trans man and I'm gay and I've been pregnant and had an abortion before and I don't want to lose that. I'm afraid of not being able to be myself anymore, because from what I've heard, Trump's America doesn't want me to look like this, so that's why I'm here today and that's why I'm voting blue."

Er virkilega svo gaman að fara í fóstureyðingu?  Spyr sá sem ekki veit.

Ég meina, það eru augljóslega betri lausinir.

Kannski er þetta eitthvað fetish.

Bretar fjalla um gaurinn sem vill útrýma innfæddum bretum.

Annar maður sem ekki má nefna reynir að myrða fólk í London

"A schoolgirl and a woman have been rushed to hospital after they were stabbed in Leicester Square today in broad daylight.

The little girl, 11, and a woman, 34, were hospitalised after the nightmare unfolded in the bustling tourist hotspot just before midday."

Takið eftir hvernig þeir klypptu út lýsinguna á manninum


Sem er lýsingin á manninum.  Eins og við vitum.

Meira kántrí

Bloggfærslur 12. ágúst 2024


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