ABBA í geimnum, og fleira skemmtilegt

Tæknilega ekki kvikmynd, heldur 3 þátta míní sería.

Greinilega undir miklum áhrifum frá "2001, a space odissey," en líka með skemmtilega vísun í R.U.R.

Þetta eru semsagt sænskir þættir, síðan 1978, með svipað budget og Stundin Okkar.  Samt hágæða efni, eins og hér er bent á:

Tilviljun?  Hver veit?

Veit ekki með Alien, en "Among us" er mjög sus.

Ef menn fíla ekki útgeiminn, á er ein hér jerðtengdari:

Kábojmynd með bíl.  Hve margar kábój myndir eru með bíl?  Ekki margar.  Man samt eftir einni með Jóni væna.  Þar voru allir á Reo Speedwagon, minnir mig.

Þessi Káboj mynd.  Miklu magni eiturlyfja var neytt við gerð þessarar, og niðurstaðan eftir því.

Kómedíu gullnáma

Demókrataþingið er kómedíu gullnáma

"Joe Biden battles the teleprompter and loses.

"Women are now without electrical... not allowed, excuse me, not without electoral (long pause) or political power."

(Biden gives up)"

"Some random state senator says that Trump "could even weaponize the Department of Justice to go after his political opponents!"

Whoopsie: that's EXACTLY what Kamala Harris and the Democrats have done to President Trump."

Og svo framvegis...

Svona er þetta bara.

Rússnesnki herinn nær New York

"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has once again admitted the situation in Ukraine's east is "difficult" amid a continuing Russian troop advance in the Donetsk region. He said this Tuesday as Moscow announced the capture of the key town of New York, or Niu-York."

Bara skemmtilegt fyrisagnarinnar vegna, annars er þetta bara "business as uaual."

Mjög skrítið mál.

Risa köngulær herja á Breta

"A giant spider capable of running half-a-metre per second is invading homes across Britain.

The arachnid grows on average to have a total leg span of up to 7.5cm or around the size of a kiwi but can be as large as 10cm - the diameter of a grapefruit."

Ekki það stór.

Hlutabréf lækka í verði í Þýzkalandi

"Shares in German defense company Rheinmetall have slumped after reports that Berlin could cut arms deliveries to Ukraine. 

Rheinmetall’s share price dropped by as much as 4.5% to €536 ($592) after European markets opened on Monday morning, although it later partially rebounded to €554."

Þeir jafna sig á þessu.


"In a post on X, Musk shared a photo of himself standing at what appeared to be a podium with the words “D.O.G.E.”

Underneath were the words “Department of Government Efficiency.”

“We’re currently adding, I think, a trillion dollars to the deficit every roughly every 100 days,” Musk said. “And the interest payments on the national debt have now exceeded the defense budget. It’s on the order of a trillion dollars, and it keeps growing.”"


Bloggfærslur 20. ágúst 2024


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