Ríki Evrópu gera ekkert annað núna en reyna að stuðla að hnífstungum og ritskoðun

Facebook er í stórhættu, og allir sem þar starfa

"Macron said Monday, "The arrest of Telegram's president on French territory took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. This is in no way a political decision. It is up to the judges to decide." Macron further condemned what he called "false information" surrounding the case.

Below: the translated list of 12 charges Durov is facing..."

Skoðum nokkur atriði:

"4. Complicity - distributing, offering or making available pornographic images of minors, in organized group,"

Gildir heldur betur um FB, og líka Mastodon - sem er bara frægt fyrir að hafa tekið við öllum barnaperrunum sem var hent út af X.

"7. Complicity - organized fraud,"

Þetta gildir um allt internetið.  Og póstinn... og símann...

Og þannig er þetta allt.

Scholz lofar fleiri hnífstunguárásum

"We must do everything to ensure that such things never happen in our country, if possible,” Scholz said of the attack. He predicted a toughening knife laws in particular “and this should and will happen very quickly.”

Green Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck also called for a tightening of knife laws, saying there must be “more weapon ban zones and stricter weapon laws.”

“No one has to carry stabbing or cutting weapons in public spaces in Germany,” said the Green politician. “We no longer live in the Middle Ages."

Strangari reglur, meira ofbeldi.  Þannig hefur það virkað allstaðar hingað til.


Niðurgangur Bretlands hefur staðið yfir lengi.

Í Austur Evrópu

"In a strategic move which puts pressure on Ukraine in response to its ongoing Kursk incursion into Russia, Belarus has built-up its troops along parts of its southern border with Ukraine.

The statement described that under the guise of exercises, "a significant number of personnel, including Special Operations Forces, weapons, and military equipment" are present at the border. It additionally named the presence of former Wagner PMC forces."

Það er mjög sniðugt að gera árás þaðan.


Af einhverjum ástæðum er ekki mikið fjallað um þetta

"Hezbollah said it fired more than 320 rockets at 11 Israeli military sites in a statement issued early on Sunday, including those in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. It added that the attack came “within the framework of the first response to the brutal Zionist aggression on the southern suburbs of Beirut,” in which Shukr was killed."

Eru fjölmiðlar á Íslandi bara hallir undir Hamas?  Hisbolla þykja ekki nógu merkilegir.

Notting Hill karnivalið er osom

"Over 40 weapons have been seized at Notting Hill Carnival today, including two firearms, as 145 people have been arrested.

A person has also been stabbed, bringing the total number of stabbing victims to four so far over the two days."

Svolítið eins og verzlunarmannahelgarnar voru.

Hressir bætir og kætir

Bloggfærslur 26. ágúst 2024


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