Horfum á Bretland hrynja


pæling frá ZH

"Left Wing is control by government, living your life for you, and right wing is freedom.

Left wing is effectively a denial of reality - a lie if you will - whereas right wing is the truth.

Because left wing or Constructivism is a corruption of the system and will always fail, just as it changes the meaning of words, it must also change history, either by redefining it, or by saying it wasn’t socialism that was the problem but the way it was implemented."

Hrun er í gangi.  Það er ekki yfirvofandi, skriðan er hafin.  Skemmtið ykkur.

Rogan tekur eftir að Bretland er komið til helvítis

"Responding to the recent authoritarian crackdown, Joe Rogan pointed out that more people get arrested in the UK for “thought crimes” on social media than they do in Russia."

Víti til varnaðar.

Óskastaða yfirvalda, helvíti fyrir fólkið.

Það sem verður um fóstur eftir að þau hafa verið fjarlægð með valdi

"Newly released undercover footage from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) exposes Planned Parenthood employees discussing the sale of aborted fetal body parts with chilling nonchalance."

Partarnir fóru þó a.m.k ekki beint á næsta veitingastað.

Held ég.

Þeir meiga eiga það að þeir tóku þennan fastan líka

"Officers have arrested a man aged in his 50s at an address in South East London. He was held on suspicion of encouraging murder and for an offence under the Public Order Act."

Bretarnir þurfa að fá þetta úr kerfinu einhvernvegin.

Þeir hefðu ekki þurft þess eh þeir hefðu hagað sér eins og siðmenntuð þjóð undanfarið, en slíkt ku ekki vera í týzku þessa dagana.


"Right-wingers are now planting decoy protests in the UK and when the police arrive the only people they find are armed Islamist mobs who mobilized to attack the fake protests.

North Finchley, London, Aug. 7 — Leftist and Muslim protesters abuse and harass

after failing to find “far-right protesters” to fight. A large crowd had gathered for an emergency direct action to counter a false rumor that people were going to protest an immigration business."


Bloggfærslur 9. ágúst 2024


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