Menn eru eitthvað að væflast út á sporbaug núna

Indverskar fréttir eru mjög dramatískar.

Já... svona er þetta bara.

Kamala segir ekki satt orð

"Here are 21 false claims and hoaxes that Harris uttered on live television, in front of millions of Americans:

1. “Very fine people” hoax..."

og svo framvegis.

Þessi er í framboði til valdamesta embættis á jörðinni, fólk.

Að öðru leiti var þetta frekar slappt.

Breski herinn þarf að þjálfa úkraníumenn

"The British military has taught so many Ukrainian soldiers its own Army has struggled to get vital exercise time on its own training facilities, a government report has found. The National Audit Office (NAO), the UK-government funded autonomous value for money assessor also found the sheer volume of equipment donated to Ukraine from UK stocks will cost billions to replace and take years to source."

Kannski er núna rétti tíminn fyrir Vestmannaeyjar að gera innrás í Brteland, og leggja það undir okkur?

Hlutir eru fljótir að verða að svona landmarki

"This stranded truck has become a city landmark now with its own Google Maps pin, a new report from Jalopnik says.

But the fun could be short-lived. The truck was reported abandoned recently and city officials warned the owner via an orange sticker that it would be towed if not moved."

Fyndið á meðan það endist.

Þetta lofar ... góðu? Jæja...

"The annual NATO Saber Junction land warfare exercise is being held in Bavaria until September 19th. The joint exercise will have 4,300 troops, mostly from the U.S. (of course) but also include troops from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Italy, Lithuania, Montenegro, Moldova, North Macedonia, and the United Kingdom.

This year's theme is "fighting the Russians"!"

1, 2, 3, what are we fighting for?

Það styttist í að hver sem er geti fari út í geim

"Polaris Dawn, which will also attempt to conduct the first-ever private spacewalk, was launched atop a SpaceX Falcon from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center."

Fyst fer einhver milli út í geim, bara að  spóka sig meðal stjarnanna, svo egtum við öll farið í go-cart á Mars.  Á Teslum.

Bloggfærslur 11. september 2024


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