Það styttist í að maður þurfi að finna til mótorhjólabrynjurnar og logsjóða járnarusl á bílinn

Rússar eru fúlir út i Breta

"In our simulation, the epicentre of the explosion is at Westminster. People within that radius won’t even feel anything because the nerve impulse transmission speed is slower. Within 5 km [3 miles] of the epicentre the blast radius city of London, Camden town, Kensington, Brixton these areas will receive the most destruction.

A ticker on the screen counts up the number of fatalities, eventually maxing out at 850,000 deaths."

Bretar ættu að losa sig við Starmer áður en hann orsakar eitthvað.

Þetta er mjög galið

""So if the situation escalates and Hezbollah falls for what is essentially a trap that’s being set by the Israelis and responds very forcefully… then the United States will also step in in defense of Israel," Murphy continued. This after yesterday the Pentagon announced it has deployed more troops to the region, but without disclosing their precise mission or deployment base."

Menn eru með alla anga úti til þess að stofna til ófriðar.

Gjörsamlega alltaf...

"Investigators say they discovered 'hundreds' of files with child pornography during a search of Oran Routh's residence in Guilford County, North Carolina, on Saturday conducted 'in connection with an investigation unrelated to child exploitation.'

The two charges he faces include receipt of child pornography and possession of child pornography.

That "unrelated" investigation is the search for info about his father's assassination attempt on Trump."

Ef Guð er með þér, hver er þá á móti þér?

Brilljant hugmynd.

Ekkert má

"Libs are losing their minds cuz Trump gave $100 to this Pennsylvania mom for her groceries"

... já.

Þegar Janet Jackson segir eitthvað þá skal það standa

"Pop star Janet Jackson was blasted by left-wing critics last week for saying that Kamala Harris isn’t black. Then it was reported that she apologized saying she was “misinformed.” Now, Jackson is saying that apology was issued without authorization."

Alltaf eitthvað lið að þvælast fyrir.

Bloggfærslur 24. september 2024


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