Látiði hafa ykkur að fífli aftur?

Hvernig spyr ég?  Auðvitað geriði það.

Ódýrt vinnuafl, jafnvel þrælar

"since October 2019, native-born US workers have lost 1.4 million jobs; over the same period foreign-born workers have gained 3 million jobs.

since last June, the US has added just over 2 million part-time jobs, and lost over 1.5 million full-time jobs."


Þetta ER samsæri

"They wanted to know how many people would comply with a complete re-ordering of their lives based on no science at all, just random orders, some of which bordered on absurdity.

The beta test known as Covid-19 proved once again the validity of the The Milgram Experiment.

In case the WEF decides to take down this damning link about Covid being a test of public compliance with medical tyranny, I’m inserting a screenshot of it below."


Hafið þetta í hugam fólk.

Victor Orban er skemmtilegur

"At a news conference in the capital Budapest, State Secretary Bence Rétvári has claimed that since the EU wanted to force their country to allow ‘illegal migrants’ across its borders, Hungary would ‘offer these illegal migrants, voluntarily, free of charge, one-way travel to Brussels’."

Ungverjar eru miklir snillingar og til eftirbreytni.

Rússar vilja ekki sjá neitt gei

"Russia’s media watchdog, Roskomnadzor, has blocked several websites that hosted pirated copies of the 2005 Oscar-winning melodrama ‘Brokeback Mountain’, which centers on a love affair between two gay cowboys. 

Following the adoption of a new Russian law banning LGBTQ propaganda, which introduced hefty fines for violations, Roskomnadzor published a list of films and TV series that should be prohibited in the country to comply with the new legislation."

Gei avei.

Annar morðóður trans-aktívisti

"Georgia school shooter Colt Gray was discovered to have had a Discord account that contained posts suggesting he was planning a mass shooting due to his grievances over trans acceptance."

Því fyrr sem þetta trans bullshit líðurundir lok, því betra.


Maður að senda skilaboð

"The suspect, 18-year-old Emrah I., is said to have arrived with a Swiss military surplus “repeating rifle” with bayonet — possibly the K31 carbine of 1933 — on Thursday morning and was quickly spotted by police officers. Yet, reports Die Welt, those police were initially unsure whether the out-of-time rifle was real or a prop and lost sight of the Austrian citizen, Bosnian-heritage migrant.

Emrah I. fired first at the National Socialism Documentation Centre (‘NS-Dokumentationszentrum München’), a new museum and educational centre built on the site of the former ‘Brown House’ national headquarters of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party, which itself was destroyed in Second World War bombing. According to German media, he shot at the building twice. Footage allegedly of the incident shared on German social media shows a gunman being visibly thrown back by the recoil from his rifle.

The migrant gunman then attempted to climb the outer wall of the Israeli consulate general and found he was unable to, and so he opened fire on the building itself. This was also two shots, one of which struck a window. Five other rounds were let off by the teen, including when he ran into a pair of police officers who ordered him to surrender the rifle, when he fired on the lawmen."

Ég þarf að virða það hversu frumlegt vopn hann notaði.

Ástandið eins og það er.

Þetta er styrkt að hluta af Íslenska ríkinu.

Bloggfærslur 7. september 2024


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