Grænland verður sjálfstætt á þessu ári

Sjáið þetta

"The Trump State Department on Friday halted spending on almost all foreign aid grants for 90 days, which also appears to apply to funding for military assistance to Ukraine, Politico reports.

The new order reportedly shocked State Department officials.

"State just totally went nuclear on foreign assistance," a State Department official told Politico.

Shortly after taking the oath of office, he sent a lengthy cable to every US diplomatic and consular post worldwide letting them know that the Biden administration had mistakenly emphasized "ideology over common sense," and "misread the world.""

Evrópubúinn verður þá bara að fjármagna þetta Úkraníu dót, og senda vopn.  Og þeir eiga engan pening því þeir eru kommúnistar og engin vopn því þeir eru vangefnir.

Bretland hefur svona Anti-Trumpisma.

Á meðan, á vígvellinum

"The Ukrainian troops “were simply abandoned without food and water. One of them had tried to escape, but could not break free from the chains,” the channel said.

It is up to the Russian investigative bodies to establish what exactly happened to the soldiers, but it is “already clear that they died in terrible agony, with traces of torture being clearly visible on their bodies,” Severny Veter stressed."

Stríð.  Af hverju erum við að fjármagna það?


Kaninn er að þröngva sjálfstæði uppá Grænlendinga

"After a telephone call between Trump and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, it has now been reported that the Danish Kingdom is in ‘crisis mode’ after Trump made a direct play for Greenland in a conversation being branded as ‘horrendous’."


Kaninn þröngvar sjálfstæði uppá Grænland til þess að geta gert samninga við þá beint, en ekki gegnum einhverja ölvaða dani.

Þetta er frammistaða.  Á mánudaginn segir hann USA á væntanlega úr Sameinuðu Þjóðunum.


Dark Bee

Trump auðveldar uppbyggingii í LA

"President Donald Trump intends to waive virtually all federal permitting requirements to expedite the rapid rebuilding of infrastructure destroyed by the wildfires in Los Angeles County in recent weeks. He is calling on local officials to do the same."

Eins og menn muna, þá hunsuðu yfirvöld Kaliforníu eldvarnir til þess að verja útdauðan fisk, með þeim afleiðingum að LA brann til grunna.

Mjög Íslenskt.

Það þarf að af-íslenska kerfið til þess að skapa hagvöxt.

Smá innsýn í gömul CIA plott

"A 12-page report, signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in 1962, details a secret plan to commit heinous acts against American citizens to justify war with Cuba in the 1960s.

Code-named Operation Northwoods, this top-secret plot proposed enacting terrorism on US cities in a what is known as a 'false flag operation', before blaming Cuba in order to fool the Americans into supporting war efforts to oust communist Fidel Castro.

US officials even proposed killing their own soldiers, writing: 'We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba,' and, 'casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.' 

JFK rejected Operation Northwoods when it came across his desk and was shot."

Þar höfum við það.

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Bloggfærslur 25. janúar 2025


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