Heimurinn virðist vera á betri vegferð en í fyrra

Kínverjanum finnst sér ógnað.

The Donald vs Kólumbía

"Just after 10pm ET, and just under 10 hours after Trump lobbed the first shot in the first trade war of his second admin, the White House announced that Colombia had agreed to all of Trump's terms, "including the unrestricted acceptance of all illegal aliens from Colombia returned from the United States, including on U.S. military aircraft, without limitation or delay.""

Stóð stutt, ekki skoti hleypt af.

Valkyrjustjórnin, í hnotskurn.

Rússar ná öllu því mikilvægasta í Donbass

"As we warned at the end of December, Russian troops had been gaining ground on the eastern front at an exponential rate, with the key city of Velyka Novosilka nearly encircled and ready to fall.  After weeks of incomplete reports on the situation, Ukrainian officials have finally confirmed that the area has been overrun.  Some reports also indicate that Ukrainian soldiers were nearly surrounded during the retreat."

Verður búið fyrir sumarið.

Mun ekki sakna þess.

Chuck Norris lifir enn.

Fólk fær að nálgast eigin garð aftur

"Los Angeles County authorities announced Sunday evening at a mayor with L.A. Mayor Karen Bass that the Pacific Palisades will be completely reopened to residents in daylight hours on Monday, January 27 — far ahead of schedule."

Kalifornía getur ekki lengur hagað sér eins og Íslenska ríkið.


Musk spjallar við AfD

"Elon Musk drove the left-wing media in Germany over the brink by speaking at the Campaign Kickoff event of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in Halle, Saxony-Anhalt.

Local state media refused to report on the speech or the kickoff event except for interviewing Antifa hooligans outside the venue."

Fréttamenn óttast bjartari framtíð og ræða við hryðjuverkamenn.

Glæpagengi hent úr landi

"Federal agents rounded dozens of members of Tren de Aragua in an overnight raid on a “makeshift nightclub” in Denver — after the vicious Venezuelan prison gang terrorized the city and the suburb of Aurora.

The DEA said agents in Colorado interrupted an “invite-only party” where dozens of the gangbangers were cutting lose in Adams County — just outside Denver city limits."

Þetta má lögreglan á Íslandi ekki gera, til þess að skapa ógn í samfélaginu.

Vegna þess að fólk sem er nojað upp í topp og hrætt við ryksugur þarf glæpagengi til þess að ógna sér.

Bloggfærslur 27. janúar 2025


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