Upphaf árs

Biden herjar á kanann

"In a significant regulatory shift that took place quietly the day after Christmas, the Biden administration finalized new climate rules targeting natural gas-powered instantaneous water heaters. The Department of Energy (DOE), which traditionally issues a press release for such regulations, chose not to announce these changes publicly, raising eyebrows across various sectors."


Efnhagurinn er svo slæmur að...

"...a halal food cart worker was filmed capturing a pigeon with his bare hands and placing it into a plastic bag before returning to the cart.

A commuter waiting for a bus, identified as Oriana Winchester Biersack, witnessed the worker feeding pigeons before attempting to grab one from the flock, according to the New York Post.

After a failed attempt, the worker succeeded in capturing a pigeon, which he then placed into a plastic bag and took back to the food cart."


Elon Musk vill koma Tommy Robinson á þing

"Nigel Farage has broken his silence after Elon Musk made a surprise demand, calling for the Reform UK leader to be replaced.

In a furious spat on Twitter, Musk claimed the Clacton MP “doesn't have what it takes” after ruling out allowing Tommy Robinson to join his party."

Það væri vissulega memetískt.

Nýr söngvari Soundgarden stekkur af sviðinu

"At the recent Seattle reunion concert for Soundgarden, the new vocalist tried crowd surfing but landed on the floor instead. Shaina Shepherd replaces the late Chris Cornell."


Aðsókn á Hollywood-kvikmyndir dalar talsvert

"The domestic box office for 2024 was three percent lower than last year’s already terrible total, $8.7 billion compared to $9.04 billion, respectively.

Compared to five years ago, the domestic box office is down an incredible 23.5 percent, or this year’s $8.7 billion compared to 2019’s $11.3 billion."

Það er tvennt sem þarf að athuga: Það er sannarlega kreppa. Hún er um öll vesturlönd.

Hitt er að fólki leiðist heilaþvotturinn. Fólk vill skemtun, ekki heilaþvott.

Tölvuleikjaheimurinn er að fara miklu verr út úr þessu, með meiriháttar gjaldþrotum yfirvofandi.

Öllum er sama þó tölvuleikir séu Kínverskir, Kóreiskir eða Rússneskir, og með alveg hörmulegri grafík:

Að spila þetta er eitt, að horfa á þetta er Tarkovský-leg reynzla.  Þetta er það sem Rússar eru víst á kafi í.

Bloggfærslur 5. janúar 2025


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