Jólatré í Belgíu

Belgar varaðir við neyzlu jólatrjá

"Belgium's food agency just issued a seasonal health warning telling citizens not to eat their Christmas trees.

In Ghent, which is apparently Belgium's answer to Portland, their city website started giving out tips on how to recycle your Christmas tree … by consuming it. They said you could strip the needles, blanch them, and dry them, for stuff like flavored butter.

Not joking. They actually recommended this."

Jólatré, það er vegan.


Allir glæpamenn Albaníu eru í UK.  Þá er væntanlega friðsælt í Albaniu á meðan.

Sama vandamál í Þýzkalandi

"German police played down New Year’s Eve violence concerns, stating most arrests were of adult German males, but a leaked list of suspects suggests the truth may not be exactly as the authorities wished to portray.

Analysis of the list of 256 first names of “German nationals” showed, Nius.de claims, that most people on it have names commonly associated with migrant communities. Only a minority have recognisably German names. The report states:

…the majority of the German suspects clearly have a migrant background – and in many cases Muslim first names. The list of German perpetrators begins with Abdul Kerim, Abdulhamid, Abdulkadir, Abdul Karim and Abdullah. The first name Ali appears eight times in the list of those arrested, Hassan three times, Mohammed (in various spellings) twelve times, Youssuf (in various spellings) six times.

In all, Nius asserts that while migrant-background people make up 40 per cent of Berlin’s population, the list could indicate they accounted for 80 per cent of the arrests."


Sumir segja það bara eins og það er

"A Conservative MP in the UK has refused to back track after he urged that “alien cultures” propagated via mass immigration in Britain are making the country unsafe.

Jenrick further urged that the ongoing pedophile rape gang scandal “started with the onset of mass migration”."

Góður.  Menn eiga að taka sér þennan til fyrirmyndar.


"Woodhouse, a Rotherham native who first exposed the sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of a Muslim gang leader — BACK IN 2013 — has been at the forefront of urging authorities to take action to address the ongoing crisis."

Feisbúkk hafði 40.000 úrkynjunarverði.

Anti-bílisti verður fyrir líkamsárás í almenningssamgöngukerfinu

"Layla Law-Gisiko (D), the president of the City Club of New York and a prominent advocate for New York City’s new congestion pricing policy, was the latest victim of a violent attack in the very subway system she promoted.

The incident occurred on Saturday when Law-Gisiko was confronted by an individual with a shopping cart who spat in her hair and pushed her into a wall, leaving her with a bruised ankle and sore shoulder."



Það er fyndið vegna þess að það er satt.

Kolefnistrúarmenn vilja ekki hafa önnur trúarbrögð en kolefnistrú

"The Church of Sweden has decided to SHUT DOWN 7 churches from the Middle Ages in order to meet climate goals."

Það er ekki nóg að svelta fólkið, frysta gamalmenni, stuðla að skógareldum og leggja hagkerfi heimsins í rúts, það á líka að banna trúariðkun sem fellur ekki að hugmyndum Al Gore.

Best of eldsvoðar í Kaliforníu:

Of fáir brunaliðpsemnn, vegna þess að þeir ráku alla sem vildu ekki láta eitra fyrir sér

Brunaliðið valdi frekar úrkynjun en lífsbjörg

Brunalið LA gefur útbúnað sinn til Úkraníu

Það var heldur ekkert vatn vegna skriffinnsku.  Kalifornía er rekin eins og Ísland.

Talandi um... hvernig gengur hugmyndasöfnun alþýðunnar?

2736 athugasemdir skráðar, flestar faldar.  Best of seinustu 20:

"Hvernig væri að leggja niður allar nefndir á vegum alþingis. Öll mál og tillögur sem eru ekki samþykkt á þingi og fara "í nefnd", deyja þar."

"Einungis ríkisborgarar ættu að hafa rétt á atvinnuleysisbótum."

Þar höfum við það.

Bloggfærslur 9. janúar 2025


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