Framtíð okkar verður eins og nútíð meginlands Evrópu


Ríkið hefur 3-5 ár til þess að henda þessum drengjum úr landi

"Fimmtán ára pilt­ur var rænd­ur af sex manna hópi drengja skammt frá Smáralind í gær. 

Pilt­ur­inn var á gangi með vini sín­um þegar hóp­ur drengja kem­ur upp að þeim og hót­ar þeim. Vin­ur pilts­ins náði að hlaupa á brott og hringja í lög­regl­una.

Gerend­urn­ir eru af er­lendu bergi brotn­ir."

Uppúr 18 ára aldri verða þeir farnir að stunda hryðjuverk.  Rekandi fólk á hol og annað slíkt, alveg éns og í Evrópu.

Alvöru hryðjuverk, ekki bara eitthvað mas á Telegram um tölvuleiki og gæludýr.

Leftistar í USA skjóta sig aftur í fótinn

"According to DropSite, the State Department was "forecast" to pay for a $400 million contract for armored Teslas in 2025, referencing a State Department spreadsheet that referenced $400 million worth of "Armored Tesla" vehicles. The spreadsheet was then mysteriously changed to exclude "Tesla" from the line item.

The report was soon picked up by NPR and the New York Times,

Except, nobody did basic journalism until it was too late - because it was the Biden administration that originally included the potential procurement, and the spreadsheet was wiped of Tesla references in December 2024 - also by the Biden administration."

Propaganda fail.

Orban útskýrir

"Victor Orbán explained how the liberal globalist elites are using US taxpayers’ money to spread their ideology around the world. This includes the financing of more than 60 NGOs, paid politicians, and media outlets in Hungary.

As Gateway Pundit reported, Biden, Berlin and Brussels worked together with the “United Opposition”, which included the neo-Nazi Jobbik party, to try and oust the Christian conservative Victor Orbán, to no avail."

Ungverjar gefa sig ekki.

Hægri öfgamenn eru betri en barnanauðgarar

"The AfD wants Germany to have “very good relations with our European neighbors” and with great powers as well, the politician said, adding that “it includes Russia.”

“Until two years ago, we sourced cheap natural gas from Russia through the Nord Stream,” Weidel said, referring to the Russian undersea pipelines delivering natural gas to Germany that were sabotaged via a series of explosions in autumn 2022.
Berlin has since taken steps to put an end to Russian energy imports as part of its EU sanctions policy, which is linked to the Ukraine conflict."

Fjandans pedóar gera ekkert annað en að loka kjarnorkuverum, reisa vindmillur og fara í stríð.

DOGE finnur pening

"“$1.9 billion of HUD money was just recovered after being misplaced during the Biden administration due to a broken process,” DOGE revealed on X, posting screenshots of the receipts.

“These funds were earmarked for the administration of financial services, but were no longer needed."

Við þurfum þetta.  En við fáum bara þátttöku í land-stríði í Asíu í staðinn.

90ies B.

Bloggfærslur 16. febrúar 2025


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