26.2.2025 | 15:29
Vélmenna uppreisnin
Maður handtekinn fyrir að sigra kosningar
"Romania's conservative populist presidential election front-runner Călin Georgescu has been arrested in a shock move by the state, which has left his supporters bewildered and outrage, as they mobilize to protest what appars brazen ongoing political persecution.
The detention and 'questioning' by police and the prosecutor's office is reportedly in relation to last November's canceled vote that he won, after unsubstantiated and vague claims of 'Russian interference' were claimed. Western media has commonly sought to portray him as a 'far-right, pro-Russian' candidate."
Vilji fólksins henter ekki glóbalistum.
Sturlunin er að ná hámarki.
"After two months of observations, NASA scientists have officially declared Earth safe from city killer asteroid 2024 YR4.
On Tuesday, the space agency recently placed space rocks impact probability at just 0.0017%, meaning it will almost certainly fly by our planet in 2032 and wont threaten us in the next century, the AP reported."
Eitthvað til að fylgjast með.
Vélmenna uppreisnin hefst í Kína
"Video footage taken on February 9 shows the human-shaped robot, adorned with a bright jacket, appearing to lunge at a group of people behind a barricade at the Spring Festival Gala in Tianjin, northeast China.
Its erratic movements forced the festival's security to drag it back from the crowd, over fears it may harm someone."
Allt sem Kínverjar gera er bilað.
"Dealmaker Donald Trump appears to have struck again, with Ukraine agreeing to sign a mineral rights deal without explicit future security guarantees. Both the U.S. and Ukraine say President Zelensky will go to Washington on Friday to seal the deal with President Trump in person."
Úkranæia þarf líka að borga Evrópu. Það var búið að semja um það fyrir löngu.
"Hann leggur til stofnun íslensks hers og leyniþjónustu..."
Bæði tvennt verður fyrst og fremst notað gegn almenningi.
Hann er samt með eina góða hugmynd:
"Efling innlends varnarmálaiðnaðar og framleiðsla hergagna"
Sem við ættum að selja morðóðum Evrópubúum fyrir top-dollar.
Á meðan, í Kína.