Árið byrjar með eindæmum vel hjá kananum

El Salvador tekur við glæponum

"El Salvador has so perfected the art of mass incarceration that they're now looking to expand their operations to include other countries' criminals as well.

This was the result of a meeting that took place today between El Salvadorian President Nayib Bukele and U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio, who announced that El Salvador was willing to accept deportees from the U.S. — regardless of their nation of origin."

Allt smellur saman.


Trump hættir að styrkja hryðjuverkasamtök

"President Donald Trump will reportedly defund the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the agency for Palestinian “refugees” that has aligned with Hamas terrorists, this week.

Trump will also withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights Council, which has been little more than a forum for dictators to sanitize their human rights records while bashing Israel and, to a lesser extent, the United States."

Alltaf til fyrirmyndar.  Og talandi um hryðjuverkasamtök: Kíkið á þennan hlekk til þess að sjá í hvað USAID peningarnir fóru

Á meðan, á Íslandi

"ný heild­ar­lög um lofts­lags­mál" - þetta hljómar mjög ógnvegkjandi.  Það eiga ekkert að vera nein lög um "loftslagsmál."  Það eru órar.

"Fækk­un ráðuneyta verði lögð fyr­ir Alþingi þar sem gert sé ráð fyr­ir að hagræðing af henni nemi u.þ.b. 350 millj­ón­um á ári."

Ef þeir hefðu lagt niður Umhverfisráðuneytið hefðu þeir sparað lágmark 20 milljarða á ári.

Frekar klént.

Vinstri-öfgamenn reknir

"Tech titan Elon Musk announced Monday that the General Services Administration’s tech arm has been “deleted,” appearing to confirm prior reports of its demise as he continues his crusade against government bloat.

Staffers were caught scrubbing code such as an “inclusion bot,” which observed internal messages to flag whether “racist” phrases such as “peanut gallery” were being used, the Daily Wire reported."

Allri úrkynjun er eytt.


Kettir bannaðir í skotlandi

"Households in Scotland could be prohibited from owning cats as part of new plans aimed at protecting the country’s wildlife.

A report by the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission (SAWC) – ordered by the Scottish Government – states that cats are wreaking havoc on the local population of mammals and birds."

Kettir bannaðir fyrir að gera katta-hluti.

Mánuður 1

Bloggfærslur 4. febrúar 2025


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