13.3.2025 | 16:44
Hryðjuverkamenn í þjálfun
Því lengur sem stríðið stendur, því meira land eignast rússar
"Ushakov says he has communicated Moscow's rejection of the 30-day ceasefire plan to Trump's national security adviser Mike Waltz.
None of this comes as a great surprise, given not only that Russian forces have the clear battlefield momentum and upper-hand, but back in January President Putin explained why he would never settle for any ceasefire that's temporary.
He had said at the time, "The goal should not be a short truce, not some kind of respite for regrouping forces and rearmament with the aim of subsequently continuing the conflict, but a long-term peace based on respect for the legitimate interests of all people, all nations living in this region.""
Trump reddar þessu fyrir sitt fólk
"Egg prices, gas prices, and inflation are all down under President Donald Trump.
Gas prices soared under Joe Biden and Democrats. That was their plan."
Við erum enn að vinna með Biden planið.
Finnar eru að grafa holu fyrir sig til að lyggja í
"Finland on Thursday announced a new arms package for Ukraine amounting to around 200 million euros ($217 million) and pledged more defense cooperation with Kyiv.
The aid package for Ukraine involves artillery ammunition, which is in great need right now, said Finlands Defense Minister Antti Häkkänen as he signed a memorandum of understanding alongside his Ukrainian counterpart Rustem Umerov.
Finlands Defense Ministry said other contents of the aid package would not be divulged at this time."
"Breakthrough Energy, the umbrella organization for Bill Gates' climate change programs, slashed its grantmaking budget last month and has begun laying off US and European workers. This comes as the Trump administration shifts its focus away from inflation-driving (also de-growth) and unreliable green technology, instead boosting proven fossil fuel power and investments. It also coincides with Elon Musk's DOGE dismantling USAID.
Bloomberg reported that Breakthrough Energy has fired dozens of workers across its offices in the US and Europe as climate change policy advocacy work slows."
En betur má ef duga skal.
Af hverju eru þessir kauðar ekki bara lamdir?
"Á meðan ráðalausir foreldrar barna í Breiðholtsskóla hittust til að bera saman bækur sínar í gærkvöldi var að tilefnislausu ráðist á tólf ára dreng sem hafði í fyrsta sinn í langan tíma hætt sér út að leika sér. [...] Einn gerandi sem hafi verið skilað á heimili sitt í handjárnum í gær hafi að líkindum verði tilkynntur fleiri hundruð sinnum til lögreglu.
Hermann Austmar hefur undanfarin ár reynt að vekja athygli borgaryfirvalda á ástandi í 7. bekk í Breiðholtsskóla þar sem dóttir hans er meðal nemenda. Hann hefur lýst því að fámennur hópur drengja ráði ríkjum og önnur börn verði fyrir andlegu, líkamlegu og jafnvel kynferðislegu ofbeldi."
Fyrst verða nauðganir, svo verða morð.
En það er tilgangurinn, er það ekki?
Borgarstjórn Reykjavíkur vill láta myrða börnin ykkar. Af hverju finnst ykkur það ásættanlegt?
Útlönd eru ekkert öðruvísi.