2.3.2025 | 17:24
Einkafyrirtæki lendir á tunglinu
"Firefly confirmed on X around 0336 ET that the 6.6-foot-tall lander "stuck the landing" and "became the first commercial company in history to achieve a fully successful Moon landing. This small step on the Moon represents a giant leap in commercial exploration," adding this "paves the way for future missions to the Moon and Mars.""
Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars...
Fact-tékið þetta endilega. Segið mér niðurstöðuna.
Kaninn ekki alveg sáttur við NATO
"Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) called for the United States to leave NATO in response to a Norwegian fuel company, Haltbakk Bunkers, deciding to stop refueling U.S. military ships."
Hugsum þetta aðeins lengra: er NATO nokkuð annað en dragbítur á USA núna?
Rússar stunda ekki viðskifti við NATO, en ef USA er ekki í NATO...
"Tech baron Elon Musk backed calls for the US to withdraw from NATO and the United Nations after months of badmouthing the two international organizations."
"Bondi, appearing on Fox News Life, Liberty & Levin on Thursday, revealed that she had been assured there were only 120 pages of files to releasebut a whistleblower has since exposed that the FBIs New York office is sitting on thousands of undisclosed pages.
As a lawyer, as a prosecutor, I want to review everything before I make a firm conclusion. But I think its very interesting that they withheld that from us. I will find out who withheld it, and they will not be working for us anymore."
Hver höndin upp á móti annarri.
Eru rússarnir búnir að eitra fyrir Zelensky?
"He doesn't look very good visually, but you should ask him, Peskov said in an interview with Rossiya 1 TV journalist Pavel Zarubin published on Saturday, answering whether he thought Zelensky felt cornered."
Kannski... hann hefur jú verið að þvælast fyrir þei á ýmsan hátt.
Ekkert sem þeir hafa ekki gert áður.