20.3.2025 | 15:45
Atburðir líðandi stundar
"While the FBI investigates far-left terrorist attacks against Tesla service centers, showrooms, Supercharging networks, and vehicles, the radical Soros-funded non-profit Indivisible is preparing to launch a multi-city offensive against the American company in the coming days.
There has been a series of domestic terrorism incidents nationwide by far-left Democrats targeting Tesla showrooms, service centers, Superchargers, and vehicles. The latest occurred on Tuesday in Las Vegas."
Heimskulegt samsæri.
Vond hugmynd á vondum tíma.
"A few years ago, Greenpeace and other far left activists protested the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, causing all kinds of damage to construction equipment in the process.
Now a jury in North Dakota has ordered them to pay more than $600 million in damages over the protests."
"Berlins move to overhaul its national debt rules in order to boost military spending has jeopardized the economic stability of the euro area, according to Alice Weidel, the co-leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.
The reform, which amends the nations constitutionally enshrined fiscal rules, will hit the countrys future generations the hardest, according to AfDs co-leader, who also warned that what is being done here is the final destruction of Germanys financial stability.
We will lose our AAA rating, our top credit rating, Weidel warned."
Þeir þurfa að afregluvæða alveg helling til þess að fá fólk aftur til þess að framkvæma eitthvað uppbyggilegt, til þess að hafa efni á öllu þessu rugli.
En það verður ekki gert.
"Speaking on Senator Ted Cruzs Verdict podcast, Musk disclosed the existence of what he calls magic money computers.
During the explosive interview, Musk explained how these government computers can conjure up trillions of dollars out of thin aircompletely detached from a synchronized network.
According to Musk, 14 such machines have been uncovered across various agencies, mostly at the Treasury Department, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Defense (DOD), and even the State Department."
Ég vona að þeir séu búnir að slökkva á þessu.
það lítur út fyrir að mRNA kóvid efnið hafi gelt slatta af fólki.
"Frjósemi búsettra kvenna á Íslandi hefur aldrei verið minni frá því að mælingar hófust árið 1853.
Þetta segir í tilkynningu frá Hagstofu Íslands.
Kemur fram í tilkynningunni að frjósemi á Norðurlöndunum hafi minnkað á undanförnum árum, líkt og á Íslandi."
Skoðið grafið og hugsið hvað það var sem gerðist 2021.