"22 Democratic Senators, including three of the most prominent in Congress, were caught on Tuesday basically plagiarizing each other.
Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren, and Cory Booker (D-NJ) all delivered a preview rebuttal of sorts to Trump this morning that has backfired.
As one will see, they have posted a silly video where they copy each other nearly word-for-word. It opens with Trump vowing to bring down prices starting on Day One before cutting to the Democrats launching tired attacks on him."
"President Trump, who has made it a personal goal to end the killing and war in Ukraine lashed out at the unpopular Ukrainian leader and announced that the US was pausing all military aid to Ukraine due to its leader who will not seek peace.
On Tuesday Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced that US aid at the border checkpoints with Ukraine confirmed US aid was already suspended from entering Ukraine."
"Forsætisráðherra, fjármálaráðherra og formaður hagræðingarhóps ríkisstjórnarinnar kynntu sextíu hagræðingartillögur hópsins á blaðamannafundi rétt í þessu. Ráðgert er að tillögurnar geti falið í sér sparnað upp á 71 milljarð króna á árunum 2026 til 2030.
Þá sagði hann hópinn ekki hafa metið tillögur sem sneru að tilfærslukerfum eða hápólitískum málum, svo sem tillagna sem sneru að breyttu rekstrarfyrirkomulagi, sölu eða stöðvun á rekstri ÁTVR og Ríkisútvarpsins."
Þeir ætla semsagt ekki að laga stóru peninga-niðurföllin, bara stoppa í eitthvað af minnstu götunum. Til þess að móðga engan sem má missa sig.
Til dæmis: að afleggja RÚV hefði sparað 6 milljarða á ári, eða 24 milljarða á þessum tíma. Það var mikill samhljómur um það meðal kjósenda.
Að leyfa öllum að halda eftir þessum 20K hefði aukið gleði.
"The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has saved taxpayers $105 billion thus far, according to its own calculations posted on the official DOGE website."
Þetta er okkar fólki ókleift með öllu. Þó fengu þau hjálp.
"A very unexpected and unlikely development and plan is being widely reported Tuesday: Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed to help the Trump White House broker talks with Iran on curtailing the country's nuclear program.
Trump reportedly relayed the request for Putin to play a direct role in new negotiations with Iran during their February phone call."
"The premier of Canadas most populous province threatened to retaliate and cut off energy to the US with a smile on my face as President Trumps new 25% tariffs on imports took effect Tuesday.
If they want to try to annihilate Ontario, I will do everything including cut off their energy with a smile on my face, Ontario Premier Doug Ford vowed Monday, the Toronto Sun reported."