Hernaður og önnur vitleysa


Mynd sem sýnir hve stórt hlutfall borgaranna er tilbúinn til að berjast fyrir "land sitt."  Sýnir líka almennt traust borgaranna til ríkisins, sem hatar þá, og vill þá feiga.

Og einhverjir hér vilja her... jæja...

Trump gæti veitt Úkraníu mikinn liðsauka

"President Donald Trump plans to revoke temporary legal status for some 240,000 Ukrainians who sought refuge in the US, a senior Trump official and three sources familiar with the matter have revealed to Reuters.

The planned rollback of protections for Ukrainians was underway before Trump publicly feuded with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during their meeting in the Oval Office last week."

Stríð, stríð, stríð...

Meiriháttar skandal afstýrt

"Sakborningar í Hryðjuverkamálinu svokallaða hafa verið sýknaðir af ákæru fyrir tilraun til hryðjuverka..."

Sumir eru með uppi hugmyndir um stofnun leyniþjónustu.  Sú leyniþjónusta myndi aldrei gera annað en að framleiða svona mál á færibandi.

Gaman að grafa svona undan trúverðugleika lögreglunnar.

Evrópa gerir sig gjaldþrota

"Europe has added its own pressure on Zelenskyy as Germany’s ministry of defence admits it can’t supply more materiel to Ukraine either as it’s out of stock

That underlines the need for the German announcement on infrastructure investment and rearmament yesterday, which saw 10-year Bund yields rise 31bp on the day, their worst performance since 1997. EUR jumped.

This is going to come at a vast cost. If you think a 31bp rise in Bunds captures the scale of shocks involved in a soft-power Europe trying to set its own future in a hard-power world then you spend too much time in soft-power circles. For starters, the FT op-eds today that ‘Europe must trim its welfare state to build a warfare state’:"



Biden skildi menn eftir úti í geim

"Barry Wilmore and his crewmate Sunita Williams have been stuck on the International Space Station since July last year after their Boeing Starliner ran into technical issues.

At a virtual press conference on Tuesday, Wilmore was asked about Elon Musk’s claim that Joe Biden declined his offer to bring them back on a SpaceX flight several months ago for “political reasons.”"

Siðblindan var alger

Suður Kórea gerir loftárás á Suður Kóreu

"The South Korean Air Force, in a joint exercise with the United States on Thursday, accidentally dropped eight bombs on their own citizens in the village of Dong-myeon in Gyeonggi Province."


Við, þegar við fáum her, býst ég við.

Sóun gerð opinber

"“Just listen to some of the appalling waste we have already identified,” Trump said after highlighting DOGE, led by Elon Musk. He then listed off several examples of how the federal government has wasted U.S. taxpayer dollars.

“…$22 billion from HHS to provide free housing and cars for illegal aliens. $45 million for Diversity Equity and Inclusion scholarships in Burma. $40 million to improve the social and economic inclusion of sedentary migrants,” Trump began, adding, “Nobody knows what that is,” triggering laughs in the chamber.

“…$8 million to promote LGBTQI+ plus in the African nation of Lesotho, which nobody has ever heard of,” he said, prompting a smile from Vice President JD Vance. “$60 million for indigenous peoples and Afro-Colombian empowerment in Central America. $60 million.”

“…$8 million for making mice transgender,” he continued, reminding Americans that this is “real.”"

Við ættum líka að draga úr svona sóun.

Niðurskurður hjá CIA

"A CIA spokeswoman confirmed to the New York Times that certain recently hired officers had been let go but did not specify how many. She signaled that the dismissals were performance-based, as did several unnamed officials who spoke to the outlet."

Verður World Factbook fyrir hnjaski?


Bloggfærslur 6. mars 2025


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