16.10.2012 | 12:50
Stundum eru Kínverjar frábærir:
Af China daily foruminu:
"Af hverju fara útlendingar út með ófríðum kínverskum stelpum?"
"Beauty is in the eye of beholder. But most Chinese people seem to agree that foreign guys are always with "unattractive" Chinese girls. Several attractive girls have even told me that their friends wont date foreign guys...why? Because foreign guys are always seen with unattractive girls so they don't want to be seen as ugly also. Are there any culture or beauty standards differences between the East and the West? OR decent Chinese girls don't want to date foreigners?"
Snilld. Linkur: http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/thread-799628-1-1.html
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