29.11.2016 | 03:31
3 spurningar:
1: Hver er þessi Geert?
2: hvernig er hann "hægri?"
3: hvernig er hann "öfga?"
Ekki er því lýst á annan hátt í meðfylgjandi texta en: "Stuðningur við hægriöfgaflokka sem gera út á andúð á innflytjendum og múslimum hefur farið vaxandi í Evrópu frá því að Donald Trump náði kjöri sem forseti Bandaríkjanna."
Ekki nær minni manna langt aftur, ef þeir rekja allt til Donna T.
Skoðum Wiki:
1: Hver er þessi Geert:
Geert Wilders [...] is a Dutch politician who is the founder and leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid PVV).[...]Wilders is best known for his criticism of Islam;[4] his views have made him a controversial figure in the Netherlands and abroad, and since 2004 he receives permanent personal protection by armed bodyguards.[5]
Raised a Roman Catholic, Wilders left the church at his coming of age. His travels to Israel as a young adult, as well as to neighbouring Arab countries, helped form his political views. [...] He was elected to the Utrecht city council in 1996, and later to the House of Representatives. Citing irreconcilable differences over the party's position on the accession of Turkey to the European Union, he left the VVD in 2004 to form his own party, the Party for Freedom.
Wilders has campaigned to stop what he views as the "Islamisation of the Netherlands". He has compared the Quran to Mein Kampfand has campaigned to have the book banned in the Netherlands.[6][7][8] He advocates ending immigration from Muslim countries,[6][9] and supports banning the construction of new mosques.[...] He has been described in the media as populist[12][13][14] and labeled far-right,[15][16] although this is disputed by other observers.[12][17][18] Wilders, who long refused to align himself with European far-right leaders such as Jean-Marie Le Pen and Jörg Haider and expressed concern of being "linked with the wrong rightist fascist groups",[19] views himself as a right-wing liberal. More recently, however, Wilders worked together with the French National Front's Marine Le Pen in a failed attempt to form a parliamentary group in the European Parliament which would also have included Austria's Freedom Party, Italy's Northern League, and Belgium's Flemish Interest.
Smá stytt, af mér.
2: Hvernig er hann "hægri:"
Af wiki:
his drive is issues such as freedom of expression and Dutch iconoclasm.[4] Wilders views British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as his greatest political role model.
He believes that there is a ruling elite of parliamentarians who only care about their own personal careers and disregard the will of the people.
"Vilji fólksins?" Hefur hann lesið yfir sig af Hobbes eða hvað?
Einkennilega demókratísk hugmynd, þetta.
Flokkurinn sjálfur er einskonar frjálslyndur miðjuflokkur, með áherzlu á að banna frekari innflytjendur, sérstaklega múslima. Og sérstaklega frekari múslimana.
Verandi frjálsyndur og miðju, þá verður hann v+ist að flokkats sem hægri-öfga á íslenska spectruminu.
3: Hann og hans flokkur er ekki "hægri öfga," heldur erum það við sem erum vinstri öfga.
Fólk þarf aðeins að sjá hlutina frá öðru sjónarhorni en Íslands-centrísku.
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