24.11.2018 | 21:21
Fólk er farið að sjá í gegnum vitleysuna í yfirvöldum:
Tilvitnun: "The government claims the move is aimed at promoting environmentally friendly practices. However, that has been met with a fierce response from the public."
En eldsneytið er ekki allt: "French President Emmanuel Macrons policies, including his handling of the economic situation have already triggeredmultiple protests in France. The French leader also faced plummeting approval ratings amid social discontent with his reforms, such as tax relief for businesses while he plans to cut pensioner benefits."
Tilvitnun: "These are not France's most marginalised citizens, but those who say they struggle even while working, who feel they're bearing the brunt of France's economic problems, while businesses and the rich get tax breaks."
Eitthvað sem við könnumst við?
Meira: "This is a protest with no official leader, no national organisation, not run by any union or political party; a protest that feels distinctly spontaneous, individual and diverse."
Frakkar eru þeir einu sem bregðast svona við.
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