Bara 74 blašsķšur?

Breivik skrifaši 2500 eša fleiri, minnir mig.  Žiš getiš flett žvķ upp.

Annars er ekkert į žessum texta ykkar aš lęra, svo snśum okkur aš Breitbart:

Q: "According to his manifesto, the shooter — who massacred civilians at two mosques in New Zealand’s city of Christchurch — appears to subscribe to a number of ideologies. The document is riddled with white nationalist talking points, and the shooter describes himself as a “fascist.”"

Svona Power-point fyrirlestur, semsagt?

Q: "Yet elsewhere in the document, the shooter describes himself as a socialist, “depending on the definition.” The shooter also declares his support for “environmentalism,” “worker’s rights,” and “responsible markets.”"

Svona tżpķskur ķslenskur sósķalķskur kverślant,semsagt.

Q: "Elsewhere, the shooter writes that “under some definitions,” he is both on the right and the left."

Žaš er kallaš "hófsamur mišjumašur" hérna.

Q: "Elsewhere, the shooter disparages conservatism and declines to identify with it, writing that “conservatism is dead, thank god,” and calling it “corporatism in disguise.” Conservatives, he says, “don’t even believe in the race, they don’t have the gall to say race exists” and “don’t even care if it does.”"

Hefur eitthvaš į móti ķhaldinu.

Q: "Parts of the manifesto appear to be insincere trolling, aimed at sowing confusion about his motivations. At one point, the shooter blames his action on popular video game titles, saying “Spyro the Dragon 3 taught me ethno-nationalism” and that “Fortnite trained me to be a killer.”"

Skopskyn eša gešveiki?  Mašur veit ekkert alltaf hvort.

Q: "“With enough pressure the left wing within the United States will seek to abolish the second amendment, and the right wing within the U.S. will see this as an attack on their very freedom and liberty. The attempted abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic polarization of the people in the United States and eventually a fracturing of the U.S. along cultural and racial lines.”"

Žessi gaur minnir mig į annan af gęlu-nazistunum sem ég var meš į Facebook.  Įšur en hann henti sjįlfum sér śt.

Segist vera sósķalisti, į móti ķhaldssemi almennt og byssueign.  Og *aušvitaš* er hann į móti skotvopnaeign.  Vill umhverfisvernd og "įbyrgan markaš," hvaš sem žaš žżšir.

Ef ekki vęri fyrir žetta anti-islam dót, žį kęmi žeim vel saman. Įrįsin ķ Christchurch ķ hnotskurn
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