15.7.2020 | 16:56
Lögmįl Poes
Q: "Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture stating that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, it is impossible to create a parody of extreme views so obviously exaggerated that it cannot be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied." Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law#:~:text=Poe%27s%20law.%20Poe%27s%20law%20is%20an%20adage%20of,parodied.%20The%20original%20statement%2C%20by%20Nathan%20Poe%2C%20read%3A
Įriš byrjaši į žessu:
Sem er śtskżrt hér: https://semajblogeater.blogspot.com/2020/01/new-guy-meme-2020.html
Sami höfundur gerši framhald sem er reifaš hér: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/sweetbeans99-shoplifting-comic
Vķsindi eru vķst rasķsk nśna:
Q: "More than 5,000 scientists and two prominent scientific journals shut down operations and pledged to use the day to address how racial inequalities in science produce bias in research and scholarship, and to focus on long-term plans to dismantle entrenched racism in science, technology, engineering and math fields."
E = mc² = KKK!
Einhver réši gešsjśkling sem hélt sig vera hreyndżr til aš sjį um vefsķšu fyrir sig:
Kynskift hreyndżr. Žegar mašur rekst į einhvern sem heldur aš hann sé hreyndżr, į er fyrsta hugsunin ekki: Hey! Ég ętla aš rįša žennan ķ įbyrgšastöšu!
Fyrir nokkrum įrum fóru svona gaura beint į Klepp.
Skošana-sķšan į Guardian er ekkert nema lögmįl Poe's: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/commentisfree
Sama gildir reyndar um Smartlandiš: https://www.mbl.is/smartland/
Og žaš sem kemur uppśr Gunnari Smįra sósķalistaforingja žessa dagana.
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