Margt að gerast þarna úti

Á meðan menn eru að skíta í sig af hræðzlu við bandaríska sendiherrann og Kína-kvefið, þá er stuð í útlandinu:

Q: "1,800 firefighters, backed by planes and helicopters, battled the worst fires through the night around the town of Martigues." - "Its flames spread quickly from a wooded area toward the sea, eight kilometres (five miles) away, sweeping through residential areas and multiple campgrounds."

Eitthvað sprakk í loft upp í Kína:

Allskonar gerist í Kína á hverjum degi, eins og það sé land ævintýranna eða eitthvað:

Bandaríska Sturmabteilung er að plotta eitthvað:

Q: "In a number of different communities in states ranging from California and Texas to Florida – reports have come in that small groups of individuals appear to be canvassing neighborhoods and taking pictures of homes that have police cruisers in the driveways."

Evrópusambandið fjármagnar hryðjuverkahópa til að auðvelda þeim að leggja Evrópu undir sig:

Q: "“Apparently, the EU has been funding front organizations with our tax Euros which have close ties to extremist, terror-related organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood”, said EU parliament budget committee member Joachim Kuhs (I&D)."

Kóvitleysan nær nýjum hæðum:

Q: "The Covid-19 pandemic may not be a civilization-ending event, but the British government has definitely given out some Black Death vibes in its response. For example, its strategy to contain the disease suggests some overkill measures, such as destroying working vehicles and entire buildings, readers of the British media have discovered this week."

Já.  Ein í viðbót, ekkert vitlausari en hvað annað sem við finnum á MBL:

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