Skoðum hvað útlendingurinn er að gera

Því áhugaverðir hlutir koma fyrir 6+ mklljarða manna á hverjum degi:


Q: "The new weapons ordered by the governor will upgrade police firepower from AR-15 type rifles and handguns to also include rifles in 7.62 and .308 caliber. The new weapons will also include the  M-249 light machine guns commonly known as a SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon)."

M249 saw:, það er semsagt 5.56 mm vélbyssa, svipað og .223.

Q: "Historically, drug cartels tap into black markets and outfit their troops with equal or superior firepower than that carried by law enforcement."

Operation Gunwalker & Fast & furious koma upp í hugann.  Dæmi:

Tyrkir í einhverjum erjum á Miðjarðarhafinu:

Q: " the Oruc Reis, a research vessel looking to conduct seismic surveys in Mediterranean territory Greece claims is part of its exclusive economic zone (EEZ), was attacked by Greek ships on Thursday." ... "Greek media, meanwhile, have said that Turkish claims of an attack were fake news. They added that while a Greek frigate had a collision with a Turkish vessel this week"

Þessu tengt:

Q: "The Turkish lira has cratered against the dollar and most developed currencies, plunging from 3 TRY per dollar, to a record low 7.37 last week" ... "Putting the recent gold-buying frenzy in context, in just the last three weeks, as selling gripped the lira local holdings of hard assets such as dollars and gold jumped $15 billion to a record of nearly $220 billion, making a mockery of the central bank's attempts to halt the currency slide.


Jákvæðari fréttir frá Brazilíu:

Q: "The 1,800-hectare facility, called Porto Central, is located in the coastal town of Presidente Kennedy in the southeastern state of Espirito Santo, on the border with the neighboring state of Rio de Janeiro."

Trump að hugsa um að náða Snowden:

Heimildamynd sem hefur valdið einhverju fjaðrafoki.  Horfið áður en þetta verður ritskoðað.

Partýið heldur áfram í Portland:


Mikið endast þeir í þessu.  Þeir ættu að fá sér vinnu og hætta þessu.


Nokkuð til í því, held ég.

Breska lögreglan er búin að missa vitið:

Q: "A woman was told a role in the police 'would not be suitable for you' after she said people can't change their biological sex"


Kínverjinn að spæja um minnihlutahópa:

Big brother is watching.

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