Fregnir af śtlendingum

BLM reynir aš myrša kynskifting:

Q: "The woman apparently had her bag stolen by the group after she threatened them with a telescopic baton. She was then physically assaulted and verbally harassed multiple times throughout the night."

Meiri erjur:

Frį einni hliš

Frį annarri:

Žetta er mjög gróft:

Veršur aš sjį mįliš frį bįšum hlišum, held ég.

Og žetta er nįkvęmlega jafn heimskulegt og žaš lķtur śt fyrir aš vera:

Evrópusambandiš segir aš ef žś kemur ķ veg fyrir naušgun, į ertu hęgri-öfgamašur:

Skelfilegir, žessir hęgri-öfgamenn.  Žaš mį ekki ganga um naušgandi fyrir žeim.

Eftirköst af Arabķu-ķsraels samningnum:

Q: "The big risk for China is that the UAE could demonstrate Israel is a better business partner for infrastructure development, with few strings attached. " - "Corrupt and authoritarian regimes are very receptive to China’s argument that Western support comes with human rights strings attached, whereas Beijing will never lecture its partners about throwing dissidents in dungeons or wiping inconvenient ethnic and religious groups off the map."

Hvaš meira er snišugt....

New York er bśin aš vera, segja sumir:

Q: "'Even in the 1970s, and through the ’80s, when NYC was going bankrupt, even when it was the crime capital of the U.S. or close to it, it was still the capital of the business world (meaning, it was the primary place young people would go to build wealth and find opportunity,' he wrote in his blog." - "'But this time is different. One reason: Bandwidth.' " - "'The Time-Life Building doesn’t need to fill up again. Wall Street can now stretch across every street instead of just being one building in Manhattan." - "'And it’s a death spiral — the longer offices remain empty, the longer they will remain empty."

Svona er tęknin dįsamleg.

Eldflaugar eru skemmtilegar.

Og alli eru oršnir löngu leišir į Kovid 19.  Kominn tķmi į AK-19:

Bara sama og AK 12 nema 5.56 mm NATO.  Vęntanlegt į įtakasvęši alltof nįlęgt.


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