Allt aš gerast ķ erlöndum


Ekki rangt...

Frišsöm mótmęli ķ Portland:

Žaš er veriš aš leita aš kauša:

Sumir segja aš hann sé ekki til.  Ašrir segja aš hann sé einstaklega frišsamur.

USA forseti nįša löngu lįtinn einstakling:


Gott mįl.  Žetta mį.


Q: "Residents of Olten in Switzerland surely thought they had accidentally fallen into a children’s story book when it began snowing chocolate in their town."

Žetta žarf lag:

Kalifornķurķki er aš įtta sig į aš žaš kemur heldur lķtil orka śr sólar-panelum:

Q: "One reason the state lacked power, officials admitted, was its over-reliance on “renewables” — i.e. wind and solar power.

There was not enough wind to keep turbines going, Newsom said, and cloud cover and nightfall restricted solar power."

Allt žekkt vandamįl.

Uppįhalds vķrus okkar allra er ķ rénum:

Sainsbury's vill meina aš góšar hugmyndir geti beitt ofbeldi:

Q: "Roald Dahl fans have slammed Sainsbury's for bowing to pressure and stripping Matilda mugs from their shelves after campaigners claimed it could 'encourage domestic violence'. 

The 'offensive' £5.50 mugs carry the phrase, 'a brilliant idea hit her', an adaptation from a sentence in the children's classic, 'the germ of a brilliant idea hit her'.

Activists have accused the supermarket of encouraging 'domestic violence' through the 'hugely problematic' Miss Trunchbull-style kitchen essential."

Ekki The Onion, eša Babylon Bee, heldur Daily mail.

Frį Kķna:


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