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Į mešan viš bķšum eftir aš Reykjavik verši opinberlega gjaldžrota og allt rįšherrališiš deyji śr kvefi:



Fylgir ekki sögunni hver fjįrmagnaši žetta.

Pólski utanrķkisrįšherrann er skemmtilegur:


Q: "...his remark about the legalization of zoophilia was based on a 2016 child abuse case in Canada, in which the Supreme Court dropped bestiality charges against the defendant. The decision simply confirmed at established precedent, which said that only penetrative sex with animals constitutes the crime of bestiality. The way the man on trial abused his stepdaughters didn't involve such specific acts."

... ha?

Trump segist ętla aš lįta herinn fara frį Ķrak:


Og žaš er meira: Q: "The Atlantic Council speculated in July that Iran might be looking for an exit strategy from Iraq, or at least scaling back its ambitions to completely dominate the Iraqi political system."

Skeggjušu börnin eru į ferš og flugi:


Slęmt įr fyrir Goodyear:


Vegna žess aš:


Q: "The audio, which was obtained by 13 NEWS-WIBW, is from a presentation out of Goodyear’s Topeka plant where a photo was leaked of a slide showing the company’s “zero-tolerance” policy. The slide deemed “Blue Lives Matter,” “All Lives Matter,” “MAGA Attire,” and “Politically Affiliated Slogans or Material” as “unacceptable.” Slogans marked as “acceptable” to the company included “Black Lives Matter (BLM)” and “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride (LGBT).”"

"“Some people may wish to express their views on social justice or inequity or equity issues such as black lives matter or LGBTQ pride on their face coverings, shirts, or wristbands. That will be deemed approved because it applies with a zero-tolerance stance,” said the speaker. “However if any associate wears all, blue, white lives matter shirts or face coverings, that will be not appropriate.”"

Žaš er rasismi.

Ekki einusinni viss um aš žetta sé löglegt.

Og the Bee:


Q: "many celebrities, politicians, and entertainment industry elites are rushing to make pedophilia generally acceptable before they’re outed as patrons of Epstein’s notorious island."  "Nowadays, we’ve got so many letters crammed into the whole ‘LGBTQETC+’ thing, nobody even notices if we slide a ‘P’ in there somewhere!"  "According to Allan, next steps include Kidnapper Story Hour at the library, human sacrifices at public schools, a competitive reality TV series called Six-Year-Old Strippers, and outlawing millstones within 40 miles of any large body of water."

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