Athugum hvað við finnum um útlönd

Slagsmál halda áfram í Portland:


Þetta hefur staðið yfir í 3 mánuði núna.

Spánverjar ætla að smíða vegg til að hindra flóttamennsku:

Q: "The project comes after around 300 migrants stormed the enclave of Melilla on Thursday morning. According to local security forces, the attack started at around 6 a.m. and around 50 migrants broke into the Spanish — and, by extension, European Union — territory."


Q: "After Greta offers her support to Harris’s campaign, ‘Svante’ tells the senator that the conversation between Trump and his daughter was recorded and asks if the recording would be helpful to her. Harris appears to accept the offer."

Haglabyssa með interneti:

Breska lögreglan tekur Kína-kvefið mjög alvarlega:

Q: "David Paton, a professor at Nottingham University, asked: 'Have I got this right? Police are actually advertising the fact that they fined someone for holding a child's birthday party outside in their own garden.' "

Og að lokum eitt gagnslítið en skammtilegt:



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