Fréttir af erlendum vetvangi

Darwin óLympíuleikarnir.

Terroristi skotinn í hausinn:

Q: "according to independent journalist and investigative reporter Drew Hernandez, a car was lit on fire by rioters at the parking lot where the man was shot, “in retaliation.”"



Þetta hljóta að vera hálfvitar:

Greining garðyrkjumanns á youtube á ástandinu:

Tyrkir vs. Grykkir:

Q: "Both countries, which have overlapping territorial claims in the Eastern Mediterranean, have recently engaged in a fiery war of words after oil and gas deposits were discovered in the contested area. The two nations have also staged rival military exercises to send messages to one another."

Það sem gefst illa í Reykjavík gefst líka illa í London:

Flóð í Rússlandi:

Ástralir vs. Kína


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