Í Útlandinu

Því það er sívinsælt:

BLM UK (!!!) vs. Kvenréttinga-aktívistar.  ... nei, ég skil þetta ekki heldur.  Ekkert af þessu.

Fréttir undanfarinnar helgi, sett saman af Colion Noir.

Lundúnarbúar mótmæla viðbrögðum ríkisins við Kína-kvefinu:


Talandi um Kína-kvefið:


Q: "The CDC silently updated their numbers this week to show that only 6% of all coronavirus deaths were related to the coronavirus alone.  The rest of the deaths pinned to the China coronavirus are attributed to individuals who had other serious issues going on.  Also, most of the deaths are related to very old Americans. - 

“This week the CDC quietly updated the Covid number to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid

That’s 9,210 deaths"

Militian er komin út:


Til að menn geti sofið fyrir ólátabelgjum:

Q: "Gilbert, one of the armed residents standing guard, said, “All we’re doing is making sure the community here is able to go asleep, sleep fine and are not worried about anything,”"

4Chan hafa fundið morðingja:


Q: "The message board quickly claimed that the shooter is Michael Reinoehl, 48, of Portland."

Nú þurfum við bara að bíða í 1-2 daga til að sjá hvort þetta er rétt til getið hjá þeim.

Meira 4Chan tengt efni:

Allir hafa gaman af heimildaþáttum um 4Chan.

Þetta er skoplegt:


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