3.9.2020 | 16:35
Þú sérð þetta bara hér
USA byrjar að selja Grikkjum herbúnað:
Q: "For now, the US move will only allow "non-lethal" military items to be exported to EU member Cyprus - Pompeo further "reaffirmed US support for a comprehensive settlement to reunify the island" - given the arms embargo was imposed in the first place in 1987 in the hope it would encourage reunification, following Turkey's military invasion and occupation of the northern half of the island since 1974."
Metnaðarfull áform:
Q: "Akon is ploughing ahead with a futuristic smart city for black people fleeing racism, and plans franchises across Africa. Does he think they are Disney characters who want to live in theme parks?"
Svo spyr RT.
Kóvitleysan er öflug í Ástralíu:
Q: "A video of police putting Zoe-Lee Buhler in handcuffs went viral earlier on Wednesday, with numerous Australians lashing out at the polices conduct and the reason for the arrest. Authorities of Australias Victoria state charged the 28-year-old pregnant woman with incitement of a protest against the strict coronavirus lockdown in the area."
Vitleysingar líma sig við gangstéttina:
Í Þýzkalandi:
Q: "Bild reported that the childrens grandmother said her daughter the childrens mother killed all five, before taking another child and heading for the main train station in nearby Dusseldorf."
Kalifornia... uhm:
Q: "California lawmakers passed a bill Monday that would reduce penalties for adults who have oral or anal sex with a willing minor child if the sex offender is within ten years of the age of the victim."
Þetta verður bara undarlegt núna: "The bill would put an end to blatant discrimination against young LGBT people engaged in consensual activity, "
Svo... er pedófílía núna "LGBT activity?"
Antifa á ferð og flugi:
Q: "the Department of Justice has received numerous reports of individuals coming from Portland, Washington, Seattle, and several other cities to come into Washington for the specific purpose of causing a riot."
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