Allskyns hasar

Óeirðaseggur kveikir í sér, það er mjög fyndið:

Af ýmsum miðlum: - -


Kommúnisti ekur mann niður:

Q: "The photos Shane took helped the police to identify the man, who has now been arrested."

Meira ofbeldi í pólitískum tilgangi:

BLM ræðst á fólk... aftur

Q: "Hundreds of Trump supporters came out to hear former Democrats tell their stories about how they walked about from the Democrat Party.
During the rally local Black Lives Matter activists stormed the stage."


Þetta er eins og sena úr hryllingsmynd: 

Svolítið eins og miðbær Reykjavíkur áður en bjórinn var leyfður:

One of the arrested protesters came from Portland, Oregon, while the other came from Iowa.

One of the Black Lives Matter protesters now facing felony rioting and misdemeanor graffiti charges — after a window-smashing free-for-all in Manhattan — is a wealthy Upper East Sider whose mother is an architect and whose father is a child psychiatrist.

Q: "“I wonder how her rich parents feel about their daughter. How would they feel if they graffitied their townhouse?”"

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