Ýmislegt mis-sniðugt

Ekki lýðræðislega þenkjandi fólk.

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Q: "Each nation bordering the body of water is entitled to a limited portion of the sea for the purposes of natural resource exploration. In recent years, Beijing has created a map of the sea on which it draws nine dashes that supposedly delineate China’s historical rights to the maritime region, based on uncorroborated “ancient” history. The lines encircle nearly the entire sea and brazenly cut into other nations’ sovereign territory, as determined by international law. Beijing uses the so-called “nine-dash line” map to try to bolster its illegal claims to most of the sea. In addition to Indonesia, the nine-dash line Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Brunei all vie for territory in the maritime region."

Það má ekki einusinni semja um frið í friði


Q: "A volley of 13 rockets from Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip were fired at southern Israel before dawn on Wednesday, in apparent response to Israel signing peace deals with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain at a White House ceremony earlier in the evening."

Í Þýzkalandi dugir greinilega ekki að týna bara vegabréfinu

Q: "While in custody, the 28-year-old said he did not know the victim and that he wanted to injure or kill someone to avoid deportation as his residency had recently expired."

Ljóslega eitthvað bækluð löggjöf þarna.


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