Sitthvaš merkilegt

Q: Attorney General William P. Barr told federal prosecutors in a call last week that they should consider charging rioters and others who had committed violent crimes at protests in recent months with sedition - The attorney general has also asked prosecutors in the Justice Department’s civil rights division to explore whether they could bring criminal charges against Mayor Jenny Durkan of Seattle for allowing some residents to establish a police-free protest zone near the city’s downtown for weeks this summer..."

Hann ętlar semsé aš kęra žessa žrjóta fyrir uppreisn.  Žaš gęti gengiš.


Kanye hent śt af Twitter:

Q: "Kanye West has been suspended from Twitter for posting the phone number of a Forbes editor"

Ekkert mį.

Įstęša žess aš ég vitna sjaldnast ķ CNN, og *enginn* ętti aš gera slķkt:

Žetta er CNN nśna

Óśtskżršur dauši

Q: "A man's body has been found 'alight' in a road in Mitcham just after 6am this morning.

The Metropolitan Police are investigating the man's death as unexplained and forensics have been spotted examining the scene today."

Rowling fęr enga sénsa

Q: "JK Rowling has once again been criticised for her new novel, after she was accused of 'transliterating' one of the book's working class characters by spelling their dialect differently. "

Žaš mį ekki skrifa hreim fónetķskt, žaš mį ekki pissa į Grammy veršlaun, žaš mį ekki einu sinni pissa bakviš hurš.

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