Magnašir hlutir aš eiga sér staš

Pólitķkus meš ašrar hugmyndir

Q: ""Everybody has to buy a rifle, damn it! Armed people will never be enslaved," the head of state told a crowd of supporters outside his official residence, the Alvorada Palace."

Ja, hann ętlar amk ekki aš žręlka eigin žegna.

Į sama tķma ķ Įstralķu:

"The number of teen hospitalizations for mental health emergencies skyrocketed in the Australian state of Victoria this year as Covid-19 lockdowns kept people indoors and away from others, according to a leaked official report.

The Weekend Australian obtained a secretive 16-page report from the Victorian Agency for Health Information on Saturday – which was marked confidential and to be destroyed if received by an unauthorized person – revealing that the youth mental health crisis is worse than previously thought.

An average of 342 Victorians under the age of 17 were admitted to hospital each week, according to the report, which used data from between April and May of this year. This is a worrying 57% increase from the same time period in 2020."

Bolsanaro er betri.

Eric Clapton

And-fasķsk mótmęli

Q: "Protesters have packed into central London in a demonstration against the government’s ongoing plans to introduce so-called vaccine passports."

Lķka ķ NY

"The protest, described to be the largest protest of rank-and-file union members in NYC History, had thousands of attendees- from teachers, firefighters, nurses, healthcare workers, EMTs, EMS, police, detectives, sanitation, postal workers and federal workers who reject what they perceive to be a looming Covid-19 vaccine mandate now threatening their unions and freedom of choice."


"Dr. Anthony Fauci and the rest of President Biden's COVID advisors have been proven wrong about "the science" of COVID vaccines yet again. After telling Americans that vaccines offer better protection than natural infection, a new study out of Israel suggests the opposite is true: natural infection offers a much better shield against the delta variant than vaccines."

13X betri.

Jį... į sama tķma bet aš hafa ķ huga aš fleiri ķslendingar hafa dįiš śr bśluefnunum nśna en śr Kķna kvefinu.

Vert aš athuga.

Vert aš rifja upp



Į mešan, ķ skóla sem ég vona aš sé afskekktur:

Q: "A grandmother of a student reported that a crew of kids dressed as cats has been hissing and scratching at others.

According to what the school’s superintendent told the news station, the costume issue is being addressed."


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