
Þurfti að opna frettina til að komast að hver þetta er....

"Twisted Sister rocker Dee Snider doesn’t want unvaccinated fans attending his concerts, saying the chance of making him sick with COVID-19 represents "an invasion of my privacy.""

Hann hefði átt að slappa af í eiturlyfjunum.


No rocking in the free world

"Left-wing rocker Neil Young, who has an estimated net worth of $200 million, attacked concert promoters for doing business as coronavirus case spikes continue to grip parts of the U.S. "Stop these shows" and "forget about making money for a while" Young said."

Eric Clapton er afslappaður

"Clapton has publicly opposed shutdowns and has expressed skepticism of COVID-19 vaccines after experiencing what he has described as debilitating side effects from the AstraZenica shots."

Þessi gaur er enn að.  Vissi það ekki fyrr en um daginn.

Á skemmtilegri nótum:

Lögreglan bjargar hópi hryðjuverkamanna frá því að vera barðir til óbóta

Q: "Breaking: A group of #antifa were saved by police after they were beaten & forced to retreat at a violent left vs right protest in Modesto, Calif. Antifa & other left-wing protesters gathered to oppose a "straight pride" event."



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