Framtķšin er ADE

Hin hraša hnignun Įstralķu.

Į Bitchute, žvķ Youtube er ritskošaš.

Viš eigum eftir aš sjį hvort žetta er rétt:

1: " there is a credible reason to believe that the Covid vaccines will cross-react with the syncytin and reproductive proteins in sperm, ova, and placenta, leading to impaired fertility and impaired reproductive and gestational outcomes."

2: "Spike protein incubated with human blood in vitro also caused blood clot development which was resistant to fibrinolysis. [Fibrinolysis is the body’s process of breaking down blood clots]. The spike protein is causing thrombocytic events, which cannot be resolved through natural means."

(Hef séš ašra tala um žetta - žetta viršist vera mjög algengt og aškallandi vandamįl.)

3: "...there is evidence that the vaccines are making the pandemic worse.

It is clear that we are seeing a temporal immune depression immediately following the inoculations [see World Meter Global Covid deaths counts following inoculation dates] and there are immunosuppressive regions on spike proteins, as well as Syn-2, that could be likely causing this, through a T-cell mediated mechanism."

... oh fuck.

Į mešan, ķ Kana-landi:

"Diagnosed with a Pancreas Disorder, Admitted as a COVID Patient

After a battery of testing, my friend was diagnosed with pancreatitis. But it was easier for the hospital bureaucracy to register the admission as a COVID case."

Bśiš aš vera svona lengi.

"various news reports, from California to New York, confirm that up to 40 percent of health care workers have decided the risks of the vaccines do not outweigh the benefits."


Og hér er ein frį okkur: "In countries with the highest numbers of vaccinated individuals, we are also seeing high numbers of infections. Iceland has one of the most vaccinated populations in the world (over 82 percent) and is reporting that 77 percent of new COVID cases are in fully vaccinated Icelanders, according to Įsthildur Knśtsdóttir, Director General of the Ministry of Health."

Hafiši heyrt annaš?

Allt annaš en ķslenskar "frétta"stofur eru aš segja okkur.


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