Įstand heimsins ķ dag

Endalaus mótmęli žķ frakklandi vegna Kķna-kvefs rįšastafana.

RT meš sama.

Og meira til:

Q: "Hey dad, what do you and the other police do today? Did you catch a robber? Stop a murder?
No son. 20 of us in full riot gear chased down a terrified woman and beat her with batons because her papers weren’t in order.

Liberte, liberte.

Lįvaršadeildin spyr mikilvęgra spurninga

Q: "A member of the House of Lords is demanding to know why Brits returning to the UK from abroad are required to take several PCR COVID tests even if fully vaccinated while illegal migrants, the vast majority of whom are unvaccinated, don’t have to take a PCR test at all."

Zerohedge hefur fleiri athugasemdir

Q: "The media continue to hyperventilate about “cases” but ignore the fact that death rates have declined since January. When one accounts for the 38 million Americans who have survived COVID and already have antibodies, then herd immunity is already here.

Data indicate that people who had COVID between January and February of 2021 and recovered have 13 times more immunity to the Delta variant than vaccines provide."

RT flettir ofan af lygasögu

"A shocking story claimed that an Oklahoma hospital had to turn away gunshot victims because so many people had overdosed on “horse dewormer” in a bid to treat Covid-19 themselves.

As it turns out, the story was horse s**t from top to bottom. When podcast host Joe Rogan announced he was treating his own case of Covid-19 with a cocktail of medications including ivermectin, the establishment commentariat went into overdrive, describing the drug [...] as a dangerous substance used in the treatment of livestock.

Even after Rogan kicked Covid-19 within three days, the media’s onslaught against ivermectin kept going, as pundits continued to refer to the drug as a "horse dewormer." Rolling Stone, The Independent, The Guardian and other outlets reported on Friday that in one Oklahoma hospital, the ER was so overflowing with ivermectin overdoses that gunshot victims were being turned away."

Nóg af žessu.  Aš öšru:

Antifa skżtur svertingja

Aušvitaš: "Samoan right-wing activist Tusitala Toese was shot in Olympia, Wash. Antifa organized a direct action against a medical freedom protest at the state Capitol."

Žaš eru aš koma kosningar, og hér eru eingöngu leftistar ķ boši, svo...

"The Left promotes a death culture -- I said it and I meant it -- they hate our children"

Rangt?  Held ekki.

Veitingastašur sem lżsti vanžókknun į Biden forseta varš uppiskroppa meš mat

Q: "Less than a week after posting a sign that told supporters of the Biden Administration to "please take your business elsewhere," the DeBary Diner in central Florida has RUN OUT of food."


"I've gotten so many people calling me from all over the world, from Europe, trying to purchase meals for veterans, which I still haven't been able to organize," the owner, Angie Ugarte, said. "I think that the veterans will be fed for the rest of the year at the rate I'm getting donations."

Į mešan, ķ Texas:

"Legends Diner in Denton to close after mask frustrations....

Co-owner Wayne LaCombe says the concerns over COVID-19 and mask-wearing are "too much of a variable right now."

"People just don’t want to comply, and I don’t think they will comply..."

The diner has lost about $200,000 since 2020, according to our partners at NBCDFW."

Žannig er žaš.

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