Aðallega amerísk pólitík

Í liði með Satan

Q: "Enter The Satanic Temple.

The "nontheistic" organization, which is headquartered in Salem, Massachusetts, joined the legal fray this week by sending a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration demanding access to abortion pills for its members. The group has established an "abortion ritual," and is attempting to use the Religious Freedom Restoration Act [...] to argue that its members should be allowed access to abortion drugs like Misoprostol and Mifepristone for religious purposes."

Það er alltaf til lag.

Þeir bönnuðu víst fóstureyðingar í Texas, og Internetið hefur sitthvað um það að segja:

Meh... don't give a fuck.

Meira?  Meira:

Fyrir lengra komna.

RT skopast að CNN.... aftur

Q: "Aside from being a vile piece of anti-white propaganda, the article is confused in its tone. Mixed marriages are presented as an antidote to racism, before being described as a shield for white supremacy. Readers are instructed to ignore the biological fiction of race, but only after being told that you can no longer fight racism if everyone believes their country has moved past race."



óvitleysingar eru auðveld skotmörk fyrir háð.

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