Markvert efni

Samanburður á óeirðum

"Many in the political and media establishment consider the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot to be one of America’s darkest episodes. Others say the nationwide protests last summer over George Floyd’s murder were worse. With polling indicating Americans see two sides to the story – and major media dwelling on only one – RealClearInvestigations has developed the database below allowing readers to draw their own conclusions."

Áhugavert, sögulega.

Danir alveg lausir við Kóvitleysuna

"All remaining anti-coronavirus rules, including an obligatory Covid pass, were officially cancelled in Denmark on Friday...

Starting from midnight on September 10, the deadly virus is no longer classified as a socially critical disease by the Danish government...

By September, over 73% of Denmark’s 5.8 million population had been fully vaccinated..."

Þeir hafa trú á bóluefnunum.  Ólíkt okkar stjórnvöldum.  Sem leiðir hugann að því hvers vegna okkar stjórnvöld voru að hafa fyrir að standa í bólusetningunum til að byrja með...

Kóvitleysan heldur áfram í USA.  Viðbrögðin eru eins og þau eru.

Zerohedge með hugmyndir.

"... if you get vaccinated and are still at risk - then why would someone take one?"

Ég spyr oft þessarar spurningar.

Þessu tengt:

"...for the purposes of keeping the labor union happy, USPS workers - which comprise the largest group of Federal employees - will be treated as, get this, private sector employees for legal purposes."

... ok.

Bolsonaro er vinsæll

"Bolsonaro's call for printable and auditable paper ballots provoked the ire of Brazil's Superior Electoral Court (TSE), which placed the president under investigation for his July statements on August 2."

Góð krafa.

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