Real niggas be straight chillin

Ekki vera bitch nigga.

Þetta þarf músík.

Veit ekki með þennan matsölustað...

Fréttir sem fá mann til að hugsa....

Q: "Members of Congress, their staff, and federal court system employees are exempt from the Biden administration's new vaccine mandates, according to Newsweek."

Hvers vegna?  Treysta þeir ekki þessu sulli?

Meira grunsamlegt:

Q: "A hospital in upstate New York has been forced to 'pause' the delivery of babies starting Sept. 24 after a flood of maternity workers resigned over Covid-19 vaccine mandates."

... já.

"New York isn't the only state with healthcare workers who refuse to get vaxxed. Last month, a group of New Mexico healthcare workers protested vaccine mandates - which they say 'take away people's choice and informed consent, and violate medical codes of ethics as well as fundamental human rights, the constitution, and the Nuremberg Code, according to KFOX14."


Stephen King skrifar ókeypis hryllingssögur á Twitter:

"Stephen King forced to issue correction after wildly overstating number of COVID deaths in Florida"

Þær eru styttri þar líka.

Litháen í dag.  Fólk að mótmæla Kína-kvefs aðgerðum.  Enginn er hrifinn af Kína-kvefs aðgerðunum nema fasistar.

Frakkland, sama dæmi.

Grein sem útskýrir margt

Q: "For some time, any British citizen who died at any point for any reason after having tested positive for COVID was counted as dying from COVID, even if it was from a car crash."

Og svo framvegis...

Þessir bretar að fjalla um heimskupör undanfariina vikna.

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