
ísraelskur ráðherra viðurkennir ofbeldi

Q: "Unaware that he was on a hot mic and being broadcast live on a TV station, Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz admitted that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine."

Það er betra að vera óbólusettur, ADE er skepna

Q: "Hence, vaccinated COVID-19 death rates are 1.33/0.43=3.13 times greater than for the unvaccinated.

Hence, vaccination apparently induces over time a weakening of the immune system, at least for ages between 30 and 70. This effect might propagate over time to younger and/or older age classes, but for now there are no signs of this."

ADE, motherfuckers!

Viljiði meira? Ég hef meira:

Q: "Concerningly, however, Israel has seen a renewed and continued increase in all-cause mortality since mid-February; in fact, by March 21, Israel reported the highest excess mortality of all countries participating in Euromomo. In contrast, many other European countries currently report a post winter wave negative excess mortality."

Sama og hér.

"Daily covid deaths in Israel (high vaccination rate), Sweden (low vaccination rate), and South Africa (very low vaccination rate): the decrease since late January has been almost identical."

Þetta er ekki hin fræga Kína-veira lengur.


Mér lýst ekki alveg nógu vel á þetta.

Tyrkir mótmæla Kóvitleysunni

Andfasískir tendensar í þeim skyndilega: "Thousands of people gathered in the Maltepe district of Istanbul in Turkey on Saturday to protest against COVID-19-related restrictions, including vaccine mandates, saying the restrictions infringe on their rights."

Þetta er greinilega ekki Ottómanaveldið lengur.

~70 Ameræikanar deyja daglega vegna bóluefnanna


Af Biden

Hlustum þá á Biohazard:



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