Eldgos og lęti

Yfirvofandi eldgos į Kanarķ

"A massive earthquake swarm has been reported around the volcanic island of La Palma in the Canary Islands of Spain. The Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands (Involcan) said there's reason to believe the seismic swarm is due to magma slowly rising. "

Kķna Kvef ķ Singapore ku vera mikil plįga

"Singapore has just reached a level of vaccination penetration that many other developed economies would envy: 80% of its adult population has been vaccinated. And yet, it continues to struggle with one of the worst outbreaks yet. On Sunday, the nation of 5.7 million people reported 555 new local COVID-19 cases..."

HAHA!  Žaš er varla til aš tala um.

Eitthvaš til aš hafa ķ huga:

"an ABC affiliate, asked viewers to share stories of loved ones who died of COVID after refusing or delaying to get the vaccine. This request produced an unexpected truth bomb."





Annarsstašar frį:


Kķna Kvef veldur ekki blóš-töppum.  Bóluefniš gerir žaš.


Įskrift aš skyndibita

"From 9/9/21 to 11/24/21, Taco Bell account holders who have selected an eligible pickup location in Tucson, AZ in their Taco Bell Mobile App are eligible to purchase a Taco Lover's Pass ... which allows the holder to redeem up to one (1) qualifying taco per day, for up to 30 consecutive days."

Žvķ ekki?

Ef žaš virkaši einu sinni žį mį reyna žaš aftur

"Last night on CNN 351,000 “Yes” votes disappeared in an instant during live coverage of the Newsom Recall Election in California."

Leišir hugann aš komandi kosningum hér heima.  Ég meina, viš tökum alltaf upp ósiši annarra žjóša.


Heimurinn ķ dag.

Og į léttari nótum:

look at the state of that: "transgender woman is suing Sainsburys for £2,000 after claiming a store worker pointed at her and said "look at the state of that"."


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