Kóvitleysa og gjaldþrot

Kínakvef grasserar í Vermont

Það er það fylki USA þar sem flestir eru bólusettir.  Þetta bóluefni hefur ljóslega þveröfug áhrif.

Það eru moðhausar þarna úti:

Q: "A fully vaccinated 66-year-old grandmother died of Covid earlier this month and her family is blaming unvaccinated Americans for her death."

Ferlið er svona: þú færð sprautu, þú færð covid, þú deyrð.

Ekkert af þessu er rekjanlegt til mín, vegna þess að að er ekki mér að kenna.

Til samanburðar, þá verður þessi enn lifandi í næstu viku.

Q: "Right-wing activist Laura Loomer has announced she has tested positive for Covid-19 and is experiencing fairly extreme symptoms, though she continues to reject the vaccines, saying she is relying on Regeneron treatments."

Ég benti á þetta fyrir 2 vikum, nú er ZeroHedge með sama mál:

Q: "Standing in stark contrast to Sweden, Israel has been a media darling for doing exactly what they’re told by the groupthink mafia. They’ve vaccinated as aggressively and repeatedly as anywhere on earth, and they’ve had a seemingly endless series of mask mandates and fines for non-compliance.

As a result, The Wall Street Journal credited Israel’s commitment to mask wearing last fall with bringing cases down to low levels…only to see cases skyrocket higher immediately afterwards:

Sweden’s currently averaging about 90 cases per million. Israel’s averaging 1,218. That’s a lot worse! In fact, it’s 1,253% worse than Sweden."




Facebook er illa við að menn séu að benda á staðreyndir

Q: "Welcome to #NewNormal Germany, where Facebook has just deplatformed 150 accounts of people opposing the new official ideology ... because protesting the New Normal now qualifies as "Coordinated Social Harm.""


Gjaldþrot í Kína eru miklu skemmtilegri:

Q: "What we know so far: over 70,000 retail investors forked over vast sums of money, in some cases their entire life savings, after the country's second largest, 'too big to fail' property developer wooed them with promises of 10%+ annual returns.

According to Bloombergthe company will organize an online property event by Sept. 30 for investors who opt for  real estate in lieu of cash. The world’s most-indebted property developer is pushing the discounted real estate as the preferred of three options for angry investors seeking repayments.

The plan, it would appear, did not go off quite as planned: in response, nearly 100 investors stormed Evergrande's headquarters to demand their money back."


Sumir hugsa í lausnum

Q: "As Breitbart News reported on Thursday, the Biden administration “this week began to cut the distribution of monoclonal antibodies to red states....

Speaking with reporters on Thursday, DeSantis said he had a call with GlaxoSmithKline executives this week and is confident Florida will be able to order monoclonal antibody treatments directly from the company."

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