
Slagsmál í UK

"Fully grown man tried to attack 16 year old multiple time Junior World Champion in BJJ Alex shows composure, restraint and courage to handle this situation"

Í Ástralíu:

Dystópía í dag.

Það gengur misvel samt.  Hasar.

"One of the causalities of the pandemic has been freedom of expression as the right to assemble has been banned in the guise of stopping the spread. 

By criminalizing peaceful protest and enforcing the authorities to intervene, the government of Australia is making the situation worse where it would entice even more freedom-loving people into the streets to protest tyranny."

Menn bjuggust við veseni í Washington

en það varð ekkert úr því: "The actual event, however, turned out to be mostly what organizers were promising: a peaceful protest."


Þessi skelfilegi terroristi lét ekki sjá sig.

Kannski skýringin:

"While authorities claim to be fearing violence and with Capitol police asking that fencing be restored around the Capitol building, Stone was unmoved.

"This is called agitprop," he said, in reference to political (originally communist) propaganda. "I don’t know a single person in the MAGA movement who’s going." 

"It's a setup," he added."

Hann veit við hverja hann er að eiga.

Sumir reykja alltof mikið kannabis

Q: "were you aware of this new mystery syndrome where tokers start vomiting everywhere and can only stop long enough to take a boiling hot shower after which they keep vomiting again?

That's when we know we may have a case of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, or CHS."

Uhm... nýtt fyrir mér.

Þetta heldur áfram að vera vandamál:

Q: ""More than half the patients getting the monoclonal antibody treatment in south Florida are fully vaccinated," DeSantis spokeswoman Christina Pushaw wrote in response to a comment on Twitter that suggested that only unvaccinated people are the reason why there is a significant demand for monoclonal antibodies."

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